Terms of Service and Legal Disclosures
This page contains information about the terms of use for this site, including our legal disclosure, copyright information, and terms of service.
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Terms of Use:
By using, viewing, reading, or accessing this website (DrRegisteredNurse.Com”) and it’s online properties (including YouTube channels and other social media accounts, RSS feeds, apps, etc.) in any way, you agree to all terms of use and all other conditions on this entire page.
The information, tutorials, tips, software, and all other material on this site is provided “as is,” without any guarantee of accuracy, safety, the fitness of merchantability, or reliability. The software used on this site is either open source software, freeware, or material released with an exclusive license. You must follow any terms and conditions, copyrights, and notices with any software, eBooks, or items you download or use.
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You that our videos and articles are not a replacement for proper studying. Nursing procedures are rapidly changing, and state laws can vary. We encourage students to always check our content for accuracy, and always use the methods taught by your instructor, nurse manager, and follow your institution's policies and procedures.
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All information on this site is provided “as is.” Even though some of the authors on this website are medical professionals with medical training, please do not consider anything posted on this site as 100% accurate, safe, or as direct or personal medical advice. Errors or omissions may occur.
You should only consult a doctor or appropriate professional for any problems, treatments, information, or diagnosis. You agree to follow the latest nursing guidelines as set forth in your area by the Board of Nursing or similar authority.
Some videos and articles contain nursing skills or teaching tutorials. While we strive for 100% accuracy, we may omit information, make errors, and so forth. Furthermore, each state may have different requirements in place for certain procedures. Therefore, you agree not to hold us liable for any problems, damages, or losses that may arise from the use of our educational material. It is the viewer’s responsibility to ensure that all lectures or skills are followed in accordance with state and federal laws. We only provide such material as examples of what students may encounter in a clinical setting.
Also, some user-submitted content or medical treatment articles on our site may include treatments, dosages, or medications used by the respective user or author. These medications or treatments are only provided as a story, as educational information, or as entertainment. They are NOT to be used to treat, cure, or prevent any illness. You should NEVER take medication, follow a treatment course, or other similar things without consulting a licensed medical doctor first. No video or article is intended to be used as medical advice or treatment, but rather, as information to assist students.
We do not guarantee that our materials will have you successfully pass your nursing courses or the NCLEX exam. Some testing centers (or teachers) may focus on different aspects of diseases or nursing practice. It is the student’s responsibility to study their own material and to verify for accuracy anything they read, hear, or view on our site.
You should never practice nursing skills without proper licensing or credentials. Doing so may be dangerous for you and the patient. We may sometimes talk about nursing procedures, tests, experiences, and more. This information is constantly changing in the medical world. Please always follow the latest laws, rules, regulations, warnings, and more. If you see misinformation or errors on this website, please let us know, and we will try to correct it as soon as possible.
Any time we post information on this site about a particular experience, we will never reveal any personal information such as names of patients, hospitals, rooms, or any other information that could potentially be recognized or reveal or violate patient or organizational privacy or rules. All information we present is made with the intention of retaining the complete privacy of all individuals, and I only wish to give basic information on experiences or procedures, etc. All information is provided in a way to prevent the identification of any persons and is made to conform to all HIPAA guidelines.
We try to make sure everything is accurate; however, mistakes do occur, policies change, laws change, procedures change, and it is always the user’s responsibility to check to make sure any information is accurate, not outdated, appropriate, legal, and correct. Laws vary from country to country, state to state, and even city to city. It is always your responsibility to check with your local professionals to ensure information is accurate and acceptable.
You agree that since all information, tips, tutorials, procedures, software, scripts, and more is provided is as is, that you will never hold this site or the site owner responsible for any mishap or damages that may come from using anything from this site (whether it be software, articles, templates, etc.).
You use this site at your own risk and assume any damages, problems, or anything else that could ever potentially arise. Authors may give opinions, ideas, and more that may not work, or even be accurate or safe. Again, you agree that if any loss or harm comes from this information, you will not hold us responsible in accordance with the terms of use on this site
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